5 Must Reads for Creative Entrepreneurs

From freelancers to startups, we all need a little help sometimes. Our list of must reads includes everything from legal advice to inspiration – everything you need to get you motivated.


  1. Owning it! A Creative’s Guide to Copyright by Sharon Givoni

    Did you know you can trade mark a hashtag? This book is a beginner’s crash course in intellectual property law and something every entrepreneur needs. From the difference between trade marks and copyright, to registering your business, this book is a valuable resource. It’s also divided in sections to explain specific problems bloggers, graphic designers, filmmakers might come across. Just keep in mind that a book is no substitute for a lawyer.

  2. How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying by Carol Leifer

    A funny and inspirational read from a trailblazing late night writer. It’s full of tips and advice, along with anecdotes about her long career in comedy. Well worth it, especially for aspiring writers.


  3. Creative Confidence by David and Tom Kelley

    A powerful and compelling book on unleashing the creativity that lies within each and every one of us. David (IDEO founder and creator of Stanford’s d.school) and Tom (IDEO partner and author of The Art of Innovation), identify the principles and strategies that will allow us to tap into our creative potential in our work lives, and in our personal lives, and allow us to innovate in terms of how we approach and solve problems.

  4. #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

    A rags to riches story, this book goes through Amoruso’s journey from small time eBay store to one of the fastest growing retailers, Nasty Gal. Sophia is a badass and we love her. Already read it? Nasty Galaxy is coming soon.

  5. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

    Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi defines the moment when you’re so focused that you feel an almost euphoric state of concentration and complete involvement as ‘flow’. This book asks you to consider what it means to be happy and satisfied in work and life.

What books have inspired you as a creative entrepreneur?

Further reading:

Podcast recommendations

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Great post! I will read this for sure


  2. Let me know what you think!


  3. Great list! They all sound very unique and inspiring. Thanks for the great post!


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